Thursday, June 17, 2010

Pool Day with the young kids

This was one of the last afternoons the volunteer was at the rescue home and she invited me to join her and the six littlest children to go to a pool for some swimming. The older children are in school all day long from 8am-4pm, and usually don't get back from walking home from school until 5pm or so. But the little one's finish around 1pm, so we had time to take them to this lovely farm/resort type place in a nearby village area. It was a blast!

They had so much fun, and I was swamped with children hanging off every part of my body when I joined them in the water!

Here is my little friend wearing my sun hat!

Delta has very little fat on him, so he got quite a chill from the pool water. So we warmed up together in the sun and got some cuddles in too. The children love to sit near you or on your lap.

This is a photo of some of the buildings at this resort. It is a beautiful place. You can also see in this photo that Sam is carrying my back-pack. The children here have such amazing manners. When ever I come to the home, they bow down to greet me. And this Sam - he's such a sweet boy - he likes to carry things for you. I can never carry my own bag or hat - he will always carry them for me.

Loving to be able to ride in the front seat of the car! (You can also see that there are no such things as car seats or booster seats for children here.. .. and no one uses seat belts, unless they are on the highway).

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