Friday, June 25, 2010

One more day in Fort Portal

It's hard to believe, but I just have one more day in Fort Portal. I am busy getting all the final things prepared for the photo display event that we've planned with the children for tomorrow (Saturday, June 26th). I have enlarged the photos they chose, they've written some stories about them, we've ordered snacks and drinks, and someone is bringing some good music to play.... so we'll have a little celebration and party.

It will be a nice way to end my stay here. But it will be hard to say goodbye. But hopefully I can come back to visit soon, and bring a few friends with me too!

I am lucky to be able to catch a ride with a friend to Kampala on Sunday morning, and I'll have a few days there to meet with a research partner at Makerere University, and then I head home on Wednesday evening. I'll try and put another post up before I leave to let you all know how the photo display went.

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