Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What I've been eating

I'm just in Kampala for a few days right now, picking up the research approval documents I've been waiting for! I should be able to get them tomorrow at 10am, and then I will take the bus back to Fort Portal.

It was nice on the way to Kampala because I caught a ride with a German woman who's been volunteering in Fort Portal, and she was on her way to Kampala to pick up a friend who is coming out to visit her. So we had a lovely drive down the highway, and took a detour through some villages to bypass a bad part of the highway. The scenery was lovely.
The highway is also a road for cows, goats, pedestrians, bicycles, motorcycles, cars, SUV's, trucks, tractors, matatus and buses!

Here we are approaching the city outskirts:

In Kampala, there are many good places to eat, so I treated myself to Lebanese chicken shwarma and tabouli salad. It was great.

I eat quite well in Fort Portal - there are lots of wonderful vegetables, beans, fruit etc.. that you can buy at the market, and I usually eat them with spaghetti or rice. Once in a while I'll treat myself to fried fish.

Here are a few pics:

This is dodo (a local green) and cabbage:

I love making tomatoe sauce with the flavourful fresh local tomatoes and peas:

I eat a lot of bananas and the avocado's are amazing:

My passion - Passion fruit:

A delicious "fast food" they sell on the side of the road: Roasted banana... amazingly sweet:

1 comment:

  1. Hurray - so glad to hear that your research approval docs are just a few short hours away from being in your possession. I loved the sunset pic in your last post - and the fresh veggies look great - I'll take your word on the roasted banana. I am looking forward to more posts once your research is underway. Wishing you all the best getting things under way once you get back to Fort Portal. Joc
